
Xuron Corp. is pleased to bring you an assortment of the same high quality Micro-Shear® Flush Cutters and Pliers we have supplied to the civilian and military electronics and aerospace industries for over 40 years. They are confident you will find their quality, performance and value to be of the highest standard.
What makes Xuron® Micro-Shear® Flush Cutters so unique? It’s the blade by-pass cutting method – put simply, the blades cut by shearing as opposed to compression. The result is a clean, square cut requiring little, or no, post-cut clean up.
Along with a selection of Micro-Shear® Flush Cutters, they also manufacture a variety of Pliers, Scissors and Specialty Products for consumer applications ranging from model railroading to plastic kit building to jewelry making to home do-it-yourself projects.
All Xuron® brand products are manufactured at their factory in Saco, Maine USA.